Category Archives: dress-up

summer days

this morning was pirate day at day camp. the pattern comes from here (apparently, this pirate can’t swim.)

our outside play tent

sorted thread on a shelf found in the work room

and a clean chalk board now that the old glossy green board
was repainted with proper black board paint

A Slow Start

January is a satisfying expanse of time that too quickly fills up.
I spent the holidays picking up a few old projects and starting some new ones.
A dragon towel for Eily and one for his cousin:
Learning intarsia for the cardinal motif on E’s hoodie:

A second roller blind, this one went much more smoothly:

And, at the quilt shop, E requested a needle felted elephant like he saw in a book. It’s a tiny little thing named (oddly enough, considering his natural habitat), Snowy: